In cold weather, the heat in our homes and businesses helps keep everything warm. However, sometimes the heat can stop working during winter, and that’s when pipes might freeze. Pipes freeze when the temperature drops below 20 degrees for at least six hours, especially if they’re not well-insulated or not in use. When the water in the pipes freezes, it can make the pipes crack and burst, causing a lot of damage and if it happens then you call us any time for Water pipe or plumbing repair services. Pipes in places like basements, attics, and garages are most at risk, but even those in cabinets or outer walls can freeze. To avoid this, it’s important to keep your home warm and take simple steps to protect your pipes from freezing.

How to Prevent Pipes from Freezing?

Insulate Your Pipes

To stop pipes from freezing when it’s cold, a great way is to use pipe insulation. Insulation for pipes usually keeps warmth in, but it’s also helpful in shielding water pipes from the cold. You can put a pipe sleeve or foam insulation around pipes that are out in the open, like in basements or attics. Don’t forget to insulate the pipes connected to your hot water heater too. This creates a protective layer and lowers the chance of freezing when the weather is really cold and helps to avoid problems with frozen pipes. So, by wrapping your pipes with insulation, you are keeping them cozy and safe from the cold.

Related: What To do if Pipes Freeze

Seal Gaps and Cracks

When it gets cold, chilly air can sneak into your home through tiny openings, and this can be bad for your pipes. Take a close look around your house, especially where the pipes are, and check for any gaps or cracks. Use caulk or weather-stripping to seal up these openings. By doing this, you block the cold air from getting in, which helps to keep your pipes warmer. This is important because warmer pipes are less likely to freeze and cause problems. So, by fixing the gaps and cracks, you are protecting your pipes from the cold and ensuring a safer environment for them.

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Maintain Consistent Water Flow

When it’s very cold, water in your pipes can freeze if it’s not moving. To avoid this, let a tiny and constant drip of cold water flow from your faucets during extremely cold times. Even a small and steady drip prevents the water from sitting still in the pipes, which makes it less likely to freeze. While this might make your water bill a bit higher, it’s a small cost compared to what you might have to pay if your pipes burst and you need to fix them. So, by allowing a tiny bit of water to keep moving, you are protecting your pipes from freezing and avoiding the bigger expenses of repairing burst pipes.

Related: How to Detect a Slab Leak?

 Apply Heat Tape

Using heat tape is a smart move to stop pipes from freezing. You can easily put this tape around pipes in places where they might be in danger, like outside or in areas without heating. The special thing about heat tape is that it turns on by itself when it gets cold. This gives warmth to the pipes and keeps them from freezing. Just make sure to check the heat tape regularly and replace it if it’s damaged or not working well. By doing this, you ensure that the heat tape keeps doing its job and your pipes stay safe from freezing.

Open Cabinet Doors

The pipes under sinks in kitchens and bathrooms can easily freeze because they are close to the outside walls. To prevent this, keep the doors of your kitchen and bathroom cabinets open. By doing this, the warm air in the room can reach the pipes and make them less likely to freeze. It’s a simple and free way to help your pipes stay warm. This small step allows the heat in your home to circulate the pipes and reduces the chance of them getting too cold. Thus, by keeping those cabinet doors open, you are making a big difference in keeping your plumbing safe and cozy.

 Keep Garage Doors Closed

During the cold winter months, it’s a good idea to keep your garage door closed to stop pipes from freezing. Garages are usually not as warm as the rest of the house because they are not often insulated. If you leave the garage door open, the really cold air from outside can get in, and that’s not good for the pipes nearby. Closing the garage door acts like a barrier, which keeps some warmth inside the garage. This helps protect the pipes running along or near the garage walls from freezing. It’s a simple way to make sure your pipes stay safe during the winter.

Drain Your Water System

If you are going to be away from home for a while, a good idea is to drain your water system. Turn off the main water supply and open all the faucets to let the water out. This way, there is no water left in the pipes to freeze and cause problems while you are away. It’s a simple way to prevent any issues with your plumbing when you are not at home.

Set the Temperature

For places like guest houses or pool houses, set the thermostat to at least 65 degrees. This helps keep these separate buildings warm enough, so the pipes inside don’t freeze. Warmer temperatures make sure that the water in the pipes doesn’t turn into ice to avoid any damage. Therefore, by making sure the thermostat is set to 65 degrees, you are protecting the pipes in these extra buildings from the cold during winter. It’s a simple step to prevent any freezing issues.

Disconnect Outside Hoses

When it’s cold, water inside a hose can freeze and put extra pressure on the pipes connected to your home, especially if it’s attached to an outside spigot. To prevent this, make sure to disconnect the hoses before it gets cold. Also, turn off the water supply to the spigots and use faucet insulators to keep them in good shape. These simple steps help avoid any issues with frozen water and keep your pipes and spigots working well during chilly weather. It’s an easy way to protect your home’s plumbing.

Professional Solutions to Prevent Freezing Water Pipes

Protecting your pipes from freezing during winter is smart and doesn’t just rely on heating. It’s a proactive and money-saving way to take care of your home. By using insulation, sealing gaps, letting water flow, and using tools like pipe heat tape, you can make sure your pipes don’t get damaged by freezing. Doing these things will save you from having to pay a lot for repairs and give you peace of mind in the winter.

While DIY steps are important, it’s also good to get help from professionals like SS Water Restoration in Plano for Pipe repair. They have experts who know how to keep your plumbing safe in the winter, so it’s a good idea to contact them and make sure your home is ready for the cold weather.

Signs That Your Water Pipes Freezing

Check for Frost

Regularly inspect your pipes, especially in colder weather, to see if any frost has formed on their surface. If you notice frost, there is a good chance the pipe is frozen.

Strange Smells

Be alert to unusual smells coming from drains or faucets, as they could be a sign of a frozen pipe. Strange odors might indicate a blockage or issue in the pipe due to freezing.

No Water Flow

The most obvious sign of a frozen pipe is when you turn on a faucet and no water comes out or only a small trickle appears. If this happens, it likely means your pipes are frozen and need attention.

FAQs Asked About Pipe Freezing

At what temperature do pipes freeze in an unheated house?

Pipes can start to freeze when the temperature drops to 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below, especially if they are in an unheated house. If the cold persists for at least six consecutive hours, there is a risk of pipes freezing and potential damage.

Will pipes freeze if the heat is off?

If the heat is off, pipes are at risk of freezing during cold weather. Without a heat source, the water inside the pipes can freeze which leads to potential damage.

How can I cover my pipes so they don’t freeze?

To prevent pipes from freezing, you can insulate them using materials like pipe sleeves or foam insulation. Wrap these around exposed pipes, especially in unheated areas like basements or attics. Additionally, consider using heat tape or cables on vulnerable pipes for added protection against freezing.

Can you wrap pipes with towels?

While wrapping pipes with towels may provide some temporary insulation, it’s not as effective as purpose-made materials like pipe sleeves or foam insulation. Towels can get wet and may not offer sufficient protection against freezing temperatures. For better insulation, consider using materials specifically designed for this purpose, such as pipe insulation products available at hardware stores.

Will shutting off water keep pipes from freezing?

Shutting off water alone may not completely prevent pipes from freezing, as residual water in the pipes can still freeze. To enhance protection, it’s recommended to also drain the water from the pipes by opening faucets and valves after turning off the main water supply. This reduces the amount of water available to freeze which minimizes the risk of damage during extremely cold temperatures.


Keeping your pipes from freezing is crucial during cold weather. Simple steps like insulating pipes with materials such as sleeves or foam, sealing gaps, and allowing a steady drip of water can go a long way in preventing freezing. Disconnecting hoses, closing garage doors, and maintaining a minimum temperature in outbuildings further safeguard against potential issues. Regularly check for signs of frost, strange smells, or no water flow, as these may indicate frozen pipes. Combining these preventive measures with professional assistance, when needed, ensures a worry-free winter and protects your home from the risks associated with frozen pipes. Taking these steps helps you avoid costly repairs and ensures a warm and functioning plumbing system throughout the colder months.