Laminate floors are a popular choice for homes due to their affordability, attractive appearance, and long-lasting durability. These floors are generally forgiving and can handle occasional spills or leaks without much trouble. However, if faced with a significant flood, the impact on laminate flooring can be severe. Neglecting water damage on laminate floors can lead to issues like bending, buckling, or worsening damage over time.

Signs of Water Damaged Laminate Flooring

Signs of water damage on laminate flooring are crucial to identify early for timely intervention. Here are common indicators:


Water damage commonly results in visible changes to the affected areas, such as alterations in color. This may manifest as darkening, noticeable stains, or a cloudy appearance on the surface of materials. These alterations are indicative of the absorption and interaction of water with the material, necessitating prompt attention to prevent further damage.


When laminate planks absorb water, they undergo swelling, a process triggered by exposure to moisture. This swelling can cause the planks to expand, leading to an uneven surface and alterations in the overall shape of the floor. As a consequence, the structural integrity of the laminate flooring is compromised, emphasizing the importance of addressing water damage promptly to prevent lasting deformities.


Water infiltration can cause the edges of laminate planks to lift or curl, creating a visibly warped appearance, especially along the seams. This warping is a direct consequence of the moisture affecting the composition of the laminate material. Addressing water damage promptly is crucial to prevent further separation and distortion, maintaining the integrity and aesthetics of the flooring.


Cupping in laminate flooring is evident when the edges of the planks rise higher than the center, forming a concave, cupped shape. This distortion is a distinct indicator of water damage, often caused by the absorption of moisture. Swift remediation is essential to prevent exacerbation of the cupping effect and to restore the flooring’s even and flat surface.


In cases of severe water damage, the entire laminate flooring may lift or buckle, signaling an advanced stage of deterioration and highlighting a substantial problem. This extensive lifting occurs when the moisture absorption disrupts the structural stability of the floor. Addressing such significant water damage promptly is crucial to prevent further harm, as the continued buckling can compromise the safety and functionality of the flooring.

Check the Extent of Laminate Floor Water Damage

Checking the extent of water damage on laminate flooring involves identifying signs that range from mild to severe. Mild damage may include subtle discoloration, slight swelling, or minimal warping. Look for these signs across the floor’s surface, paying attention to any changes in color or texture.

On the other hand, severe damage is characterized by pronounced discoloration, extensive swelling, significant warping, and even lifting or buckling of the entire floor. Assessing the magnitude of the damage involves a thorough examination of the affected areas, feeling for soft spots, inspecting seams and joints, and using tools like moisture meters if needed.

This comprehensive evaluation helps determine the appropriate level of intervention needed for effective repairs.

How to Repair Laminate Flooring with Water Damage?

Identify and Address the Source of Water

Addressing the source of water is a paramount step before repairing any damage to laminate flooring. Whether the water intrusion stems from a leak, accidental spill, or flooding, halting the source is crucial to preventing further harm. By identifying and resolving the water issue promptly, subsequent repairs become more effective, ensuring a lasting solution and mitigating the risk of recurrent damage.

Assess the Extent of Damage

Perform a detailed examination of the laminate flooring to assess the extent of water damage. Identify signs such as discoloration, swelling, warping, and soft spots, as these indicators provide crucial insights into the severity of the issue. This comprehensive inspection guides the subsequent repair process, allowing for targeted and effective restoration efforts.

Remove Damaged Planks

Gently lift and remove the laminate planks affected by water damage, exercising care to minimize further harm. If the flooring remains wet, employ clean, dry towels or a wet/dry vacuum to absorb excess moisture, ensuring a drier surface for subsequent repairs. This initial step is crucial in halting the progression of water damage and facilitating a more successful restoration process.

Inspect Subfloor

Examine the subfloor thoroughly for indications of moisture or damage following the removal of water-damaged laminate planks. Confirm complete dryness before initiating repairs to prevent ongoing issues. Employ fans or dehumidifiers to hasten the drying process, ensuring a stable foundation for the restored laminate flooring.

Acquire Replacement Laminate Planks

When acquiring replacement laminate planks for water-damaged areas, choose ones that match the existing flooring seamlessly. Verify that the replacement planks share the same thickness and style, guaranteeing a cohesive and visually consistent repair. This attention to detail ensures a harmonious integration of the new planks with the rest of the laminate flooring.

Apply Adhesive to Subfloor

After ensuring the subfloor is completely dry, use flooring adhesive or laminate flooring glue on the exposed area following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Applying the adhesive correctly is crucial for securing replacement planks effectively and ensuring a durable bond with the subfloor. Adhering to the recommended instructions guarantees a successful and long-lasting repair.

Install Replacement Planks

Install replacement planks with precision, ensuring a snug fit and proper alignment with the existing flooring. Employ a rubber mallet to gently tap the planks into place, promoting seamless integration and minimizing gaps. This meticulous installation process is vital for a visually appealing and structurally sound restoration of the laminate flooring.

Secure with Finishing Nails (if needed)

For added stability, consider using finishing nails along the edges of replacement planks in certain cases. Ensure the nails are countersunk to prevent any protrusions, maintaining a smooth and even surface. This precautionary measure enhances the overall durability and aesthetic appeal of the repaired laminate flooring.

Reinstall Baseboards and Trim

Reinstalling baseboards and trim around the repaired area not only enhances visual appeal but conceals the expansion gap along the edges. This finishing touch provides a polished look while ensuring a seamless transition between the repaired section and the existing flooring.

Clean the Repaired Area

After repairs, diligently clean the area to eliminate any adhesive residues or debris. A meticulous cleaning process contributes to a polished finish, enhancing the overall appearance of the repaired laminate flooring and ensuring a pristine result.

Allow Adequate Drying Time

Give the adhesive ample time to set and let the repaired area thoroughly dry before resuming regular use. Adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended drying times, ensuring a solid bond and preventing any potential issues with the restored laminate flooring.

Taking Professional Help for Water Damaged Laminate Flooring

Sometimes, it’s crucial to get professional help when your laminate flooring has a lot of water damage, especially if it’s a big area that DIY methods might struggle to fix. Professionals have the right skills and tools to handle significant water issues effectively. If the damage isn’t easy to see or goes beneath the surface, experts can check for hidden problems that might cause long-term damage.

If you’ve been trying to fix water issues yourself but they keep coming back, it could mean there’s a bigger problem that professionals can look into. If there’s a worry that the floor’s base or structure is damaged because of water, getting professional help is important. Fixing structural problems often needs special knowledge to make sure the floor stays strong.

If there’s mold or mildew, especially in places you can’t easily see, professionals can safely remove it. This helps minimize health risks and stops it from spreading. Acting quickly is key when dealing with water damage. Professionals can move fast to limit the damage and prevent other problems, like mold. If you’re unsure about what to do or if the damage is significant, it’s a good idea to consult with a trusted water restoration company like SS Water Restoration. They know how to handle the situation, making sure repairs are done well and advising on how to avoid similar issues in the future.


Timely and effective repair of water-damaged laminate flooring is essential to preserve its aesthetic appeal and durability. Identifying and addressing the source of water, removing damaged planks, and ensuring a dry subfloor are critical initial steps. Whether opting for a DIY approach or seeking professional help from SS Water Restoration, a meticulous restoration process not only rectifies visible damage but also safeguards against potential long-term issues, ensuring the longevity and resilience of the laminate flooring. Also, SS Water Restoration is highly proficient in addressing foundation water damage and excels in the restoration of foundations.